Family traditions

nofoolin_conta First No Foolin' session images complete

This week I had the opportunity to document as 3-year-old Reese had his first -- and quite messy -- experience dying Easter eggs  as part of Anthologie's "No Foolin'" promotion. Apparently, the process made quite an impression on him.

"Oh wow!" Reese exclaimed as the colors began to emerge on his first egg's shell after a few turns in the hot water and vinegar bath. I couldn't help but think of a similar excitement I felt the first time I saw black and white images take form in the developer tray while preparing my first darkroom prints some 16 years ago.

The recording of a family tradition, such as dying Easter eggs, is just one of the many ways to experience custom photography with Anthologie's latest promotion. Contact us by 5 p.m. Friday to reserve your own session.

To view more photos from Reese's one-hour photo session, including an egg hunt, click HERE.
